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Butikker med kunnskapsrike ansatte
NiSi Cine Filter Explosion Proof / True Protector LP9210 For Leitz Sumilux C / Thalia - They are designed to protect your glass from projectiles and impacts that could do irreparable damage, whether from flying debris or accidental contact with stationary objects within a scene. Each surface features a shatter-proof coating, which creates no additional coloration or contrast and requires no adjustments to exposure.
They are constructed from water white glass for clarity and color accuracy and are Double-Sided Anti Reflective Waterproof Coated, and has no loss in sharpness. Each glass surface also includes one layer of nano-coating that helps to prevent reflections as well as glare.
Product safety information
Safety instructions and product images about safety
Information about manufacturer
EU-Importer or economic operator how take care that the product met the product safety regulations.